The 27 Club is the unofficial name for a group of artists who died tragically at the young age of 27. They were some of the most talented creatives of their generation, and they had a tremendous impact in their short lives. Each led a “Work Hard,Play Hard” lifestyle, abusing drugs and alcohol with tragic results.....this is their story
FOREVER YOUNG is a story told through the eyes of comedian philosopher Schlepp the career roady. Schlepp has seen it all in his 40+ years on the road with every band imaginable and he leads us threw a half a century of Rock and Roll stories and music .
Petter Bjällö as Schlepp The Roady
We meet Janis Joplin and Jimmy Hendrix during the „Summer of Love“ and later on at „Woodstock“ while Schlepp punctuates every story with his informative and funny monologues
In an unforgettable evening of Rock and Roll , we experience the craziness of Jim Morrison, hear Kurt Cobain at the MTV unplugged concert and see Amy Winehouse backstage at the famous televised Grammy Award Concert.
The show`s all star cast have top Rock and Roll credits (David Bowie, Rodger Hodgsons, etc, ) and have had staring rolls in smash hit musicals like „Rock of Ages“, „Saturday Night Fever,“ We Will Rock You", " Starlight Express“ and „Shakespeare and Rock n`Roll“.
FOREVER YOUNG explores the mythical world of of the 27 Club in this unforgettable evening of theater entertainment ....accompanied by some of the best rock music ever writen !
„The soundtrack of our lives! „Dick Clark

Toney Springer
(Jimi Hendrix)
Die kanadische Musikikone Toney „Wild T“ Springer hat mit den Besten zusammengearbeitet, David Bowie, Jeff Healey, Bon Jovi, Jay Leno, David Letterman.

Sarah Smith
( Janis Joplin)
Sarah ist eine kanadische „Gold Record" Rockerin! Sie ist eine echte Powerfrau, Award-Gewinnerin und ehemalige Leadsangerin von The Joys.

(Jim Morrison)
Leadsänger der Tribute-Band „The Doors Absolutely Live“, verstärkt die Besetzung von FOREVER YOUNG – The 27 Club. Der charismatische Frontmann Pascal schlüpft in die Haut von Jim Morrison. Sind alle dabei!?

Rachel Hiew
(Amy Winehouse)
Rachel ist eine Sangerin und Schauspielerin aus London. Sie spielte Sylvia in der erfolgreichen britischen TV-Serie „Eastenders". Rachels Aufnahme von „Walking in Memphis" war Platz 1 sowohl in den Deutschen Dance Charts als auch in der VIVA Club Rotation.

Freddy Hau
(Kurt Cobain )
Freddy ist ein super Sänger/Gitarrist aus Berlin, der auch im Popduo 2 Welten spielt. Außerdem ist er mit dem Queen-Musical „We Will Rock You“ auf Tour.